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JTAG/Boundary Scan integration in In-Circuit-Test (ICT) systems In-Circuit-Test (ICT) is the most widespread technology at present because the principle allows all electrically detectable faults to be found. But its capability is becoming limited by access difficulties since components have become smaller, and because of more complex narrow width nets and multi-layer boards. Boundary Scan do

JTAG/Boundary Scan integration in In-Circuit-Test (ICT) systems

In-Circuit-Test (ICT) is the most widespread technology at present because the principle allows all electrically detectable faults to be found. But its capability is becoming limited by access difficulties since components have become smaller, and because of more complex narrow width nets and multi-layer boards.

Boundary Scan does not have access limitations. A combination is beneficial whenever mechanical access is difficult even though there may be a small number of Boundary Scan components on the PCB.


  • Very fast total system
  • Very high fault coverage also for highly compact PCBs
  • Reduction of nail bed adapter costs
  • Simple test program generation because each test technology is applied according to its core competence

  • Integration example for series PTI818S

  • PCBA边界扫描测试JTAG

    Combination of PTI Tester PTI818Swith SCANFLEX Hardware:

    • Controller SFX/PCI1149
    • SFX-TAP4 for Pin Slot

    and Software:


    PTI818S - Utility Card Module CASCON GALAXY

    Die PTI818S is eine professionelle JTAG/Boundary-Scan-Option, welche speziell für die Utility Card von Agilent entwickelt wurde. Der auf der SCANBOOSTER™-Architektur basierende TAP-Controller hat zwei unabhängig voneinander programmierbare TAPs, zwei Bänke mit jeweils 4 PIPs und eine Selbsttestfunktionalität. Zwei PIP-Signale können als analoge Kanäle zum Treiben und Messen analoger Werte während der Testerstellung mit SYSTEM CASCON™ benutzt werden.

    • Boundary Scan solution for Agilent’s Utility Card in Medalist ICT
    • Official proofed system integration by Agilent and GOEPEL electronic
    • Easy to mount and full documented SYSTEM CASCON™ quick installation
    • Extended self test feature for simple system check
    • SCANBOOSTER™ architecture controlled by USB 2.0 high speed
    • Two test access ports (TAP), eight parallel interface ports (PIP) and two analogue channels
    • On-board power management to use Agilent’s power supply


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